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December 2021


The Cuban Revolution was born in the guerrilla struggle. While confronting the forces of Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and their comrades envisioned a better and more just society.

After taking power in January 1959, it was time to put those plans into action, and one of the first priorities for the revolutionary government was the fight against illiteracy.

In early 1961, a massive campaign was launched to teach people to read and write even in the most remote corners of the Caribbean island. With impeccable planning, and above all with the heroic voluntarism of the young teachers, the campaign was a remarkable success. In less than a year, in December 1961, Fidel proclaimed Cuba «territory free of illiteracy» in the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana.

The literacy campaign would be one of the first examples of the social dimension of the Cuban Revolution. In the more than 60 years of anti-imperialist resistance, and even in the most difficult circumstances, areas such as education and health have never ceased to be a priority. 

The fight against illiteracy also became a banner of Cuban solidarity, with the «Yes I Can» program implemented in 29 countries to teach 6 million people to read and write and thus help them re-conquer some of their dignity.

Click here to download the printable version of the calendar and hang it on your wall.

Text: Ricardo Vaz. Artwork: Cario


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