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Registration to illustrate the 2024 calendar


Independence of Haiti

Münster Anabaptist rebellion

UK Miners’ Strike (NOT AVAILABLE)

Carnation Revolution (NOT AVAILABLE)

Foundation of the Palestine Liberation Organization  (NOT AVAILABLE)

Elections in the Gold Coast (NOT AVAILABLE)

Liberation of Minsk (NOT AVAILABLE)

Costa Rica banana strike (NOT AVAILABLE)

Harriet Tubman escape (NOT AVAILABLE)

Foundation of the People’s Republic of China (NOT AVAILABLE)

Beginning of the liberation war in Algeria

Battle of Ayacucho (UNAVAILABLE)


June 1, 2023

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    The Utopix calendar, one of our flagship projects, is now in its 5th edition thanks to volunteer efforts from more than 20 artists from 8 countries, a dedicated research team, and allies in Mexico, Portugal, England, Mozambique, the United States and Belgium. The calendar is produced in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French, its printed version is distributed in 6 countries and, every month, we publish an interactive version on our website.

    The project’s main goal is to recall milestones in the history of popular struggles that official historiography looks to distort or downplay. Furthermore, thanks to the sale of some printed copies we generate the necessary resources to sustain the operational costs of our digital platform and expand the reach of our work.

    The struggle for the historical record and the recognition of the peoples who write their own destiny is key in the fight for a better world.

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