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Pancho Villa 100: Mexico exhibit

Just like our «Memory and Struggle» project, this challenge is focused on a physical exhibit of the artworks. This will take place in Mexico this coming July.

Furthermore, the images will be included in a booklet on Pancho Villa that is part of a series dedicated to the Mexican Revolution that Tiempos Modernos and Utopix are producing together.

This first call looks to measure the overall interest and availability of our community so as to calibrate the curatorship of the artworks based on the number of registered artists. Our plan is to propose a list of subjects that, once put together, offer a complete picture of Pancho Villa’s life and legacy. Beyond a collection of portraits, we want to collectively sow a visual discourse that goes deeper into the Mexican revolutionary’s significance for modern-day struggles. If you’re interested in taking part, please fill the form below. In the coming days we will send the technical criteria for the works and the critera to choose subjects.


July 3, 2023

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